
Common Red Flags That You Might Need A Furnace Repair At Your House!

It’s an unfortunate occurrence when a household needs to deal with a furnace repair, but it’s arguably more important to get professional help during the fall months as opposed to needing help in the middle of the winter!

A lot of people simply forget about furnace maintenance, which leads to a wide range of expensive issues and even full-on breakdowns. Although residential furnaces are designed to be durable, they’re far from invulnerable.

It’s crucial for homeowners to recognize some of the common red flags associated with needing a furnace repair, and below we’ll be detailing some of those warning signs so that you can be on the lookout as winter quickly approaches!

Strange Furnace Sounds

One of the most common ways that homeowners recognize furnace repair issues is by hearing abnormal sounds coming from their furnace unit. These types of sounds often are strange screeching, banging, rattling or groaning sounds—which are never a good sign.

These types of sounds often indicate issues like worn-out bearings, loose components and malfunctioning parts. Strange furnace sounds truly are cries for help that homeowners should never ignore, but the good news is that HVAC specialists will have your back when your furnace is calling out for a checkup appointment!

Heating Issues & Fluctuations

If your property sort of feels like a yo-yo in terms of temperature fluctuations, then you definitely have a furnace issue on your hands. You shouldn’t feel like you’re in a sauna one moment to only later feel like you’re in a snowfield!

Uneven heating fluctuations and other heating issues are another common red flag associated with furnace repairs. These issues are often caused by clogged air filters, malfunctioning HVAC sensors, ductwork failures and much more.

You shouldn’t have to suffer through indoor temperature fluctuations, so always call your local HVAC specialists for an inspection when you recognize this symptom.

Abnormally Long Running Times

If your furnace seems to be working overtime toward keeping your household warm on a daily basis, then it could mean that it’s overexerting itself to the point that it needs professional attention.

One common red flag that homeowners recognize is their furnace experiencing abnormally long running times. This is a clear warning sign that your furnace’s efficiency has decreased, which is usually the result of normal wear and tear that occurs over long periods of time.

What’s problematic about efficiency losses is that it’ll inevitably lead to higher energy bills, as well as a shortened furnace lifespan.

Your Furnace’s Pilot Light is Yellow

Healthy HVAC pilot lights appear in a bright blue hue, and yellow pilot lights are always a cause for concern. If you’re seeing a yellow flame symbol or a flickering yellow light on your furnace, it’s an indication that your unit is experiencing what’s known as incomplete combustion.

Incomplete furnace combustions are extremely dangerous, primarily because this issue can result in advertent carbon monoxide emissions throughout a property. This is why homeowners need to take yellow pilot lights very seriously by immediately shutting off their furnace and reaching out to their local HVAC team!

Unusual Furnace Smells

If you’re noticing any strange burning smells within your home while your furnace is on, it’s a significant red flag warning sign that indicates overheating HVAC components and other electrical issues.

No one wants to risk a fire over something as silly as neglecting furnace repairs, which is why this red flag always necessitates immediate attention from your local professionals.

Too Frequent Furnace Repairs

If your furnace has received several repairs within recent months, it could be time to consider a furnace replacement.

Multiple furnace breakdowns in a short time period are indicative of underlying issues within your system, and getting a comprehensive repair done by experienced specialists can help you avoid system failures and other expensive problems!

Reach Out To Apex Clean Air When You Need A Furnace Repair At Your Home Or Business!


There’s a lot that home and business owners need to keep in mind this fall as they’re preparing their HVAC systems for the upcoming winter season, and the best thing that you can do this time of year is schedule a furnace maintenance appointment that’ll help you avoid more costly furnace repairs during the coldest months of next year.

One of the top-rated furnace repair teams in the United States is Apex Clean Air, and you can speak directly with the Apex specialists when you click on the hyperlink to their website that’s located at the top of this page!

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