Moving into a new home can be a daunting task. Arranging the furniture to give you an aesthetically pleasing home can also seem like an overwhelming household necessity. And because leaving the house unkempt is not an option, most people will leave the furniture lying on the floor for months because they do not know where to start the furniture arrangement.
Thanks to interior décor designers because they have simple rules anyone can use to help them achieve a creatively and tastefully planned living room. These guidelines are simple and applicable to any living space.
- Determine the focal point
A room’s focal point is like the north in a compass direction. At times, you can spot it effortlessly and naturally. For instance, a prominent window or a built-in fireplace.
Other times, one may need to create a unique focal point by placing the television or entertainment set. Next to the TV set, one can have a classic matching table with stainless steel legs for added appeal. Choosing a focal point before anything else is crucial because all the other arrangements find their place around it.
- Avoid pushing seats against the wall
Leaving some reasonable allowance from the wall creates an impression that the room is larger than it is. However, the square foot of the living area determines how far one can pull the furniture from the wall.
If the room is small, you can move a few inches from the wall to allow the blinds to fall freely. Pushing the furniture against the walls also makes ugly marks on the walls.
- Create conversation-enabling areas
Arrange the furniture in a circular pattern that allows family members to have conversations without having to turn. Create conversation areas in the middle of the living area and leave some space between seats and tables to allow movements.
Arrange sofas to face each other so that members see each other during conversations. One can create multiple conversation areas if the room is too big.
- Achieve balance
Balance is a critical element when arranging or decorating a room. When planning the furniture item in the living room, consider the size of the room against the position you want to place each of them.
One of the easiest ways of achieving balance is by placing bulky items against small ones. Crowding all large fixtures together may attract unwarranted attention while giving small items an unsettling feeling.
Another way of balancing furniture items is by exploring shapes and forms. You can purchase a round coffee table to achieve balance with a linear pair of sofas. Today, one can easily find sideboards and television sets of various sizes, shapes and forms. Choose one to suit your desired results.
- Consider the traffic flow in your space
Some parts of your living space are access points for other rooms, such as the hallway, the kitchen, or the exit door. Do not place furniture items along the high traffic points because people will constantly trip over the pieces or bump into each other as they move.
Instead, create passage areas in between seats or the room’s edges to allow for unrestricted movement in the room.
Arranging household furniture can be an exciting exercise if you follow these simple interior décor steps. Find comfort and beauty in the arrangement you choose.