Firstly, to fully comprehend the concept of wellness-focussed interior design, we need to understand what wellness is. Wellness focuses on the holistic requirements of a person, which can be defined as looking after all needs linked to the physical, mental, spiritual, and social self.
There are a number of factors that contribute to wellness-focussed interior design. These include, but are not limited to, lighting, integrating indoor and outdoor spaces, and stable colour palettes; these are usually earthy, neutral tones, which can be dressed up or down with the addition of a few loose accessories, such as cushions or rugs.
Many physicians, both conventional and holistic, will tell you that spending time outdoors is crucial to your health. Not only does the Vitamin D derived from sunshine increase serotonin levels within the brain, but it also contributes to healthy bone density in certain individuals.
As far as possible, our recommendation is to as much natural light filter into your home as possible. This could be through large windows or skylights. As dusk begins to fall, close the curtains and switch on soft lights. This aids your body in winding down for evening rest.
Earthy Tones
Warm, neutral shades of browns are often the choice for high traffic areas within the home. According to colour psychology, they create a feeling of warmth and welcome to those entering the space. A great way to add some colour, and an additional natural element to the room, is to include one or two potted plants. Greenery does not only increase the exchange of carbon dioxide into oxygen, it also induces a sense of calm within individuals.
Spiritual Spaces
A dedicated space in which to meditate or relax is essential for wellness. Upon entering the room, your mind immediately becomes focussed on the task at hand, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your rituals.
Many practitioners of such devotional sessions prefer quiet spaces, where interruptions are likely to be limited. Some have integrated their indoor living spaces with the outdoors by erecting summer houses or log cabins in their gardens specifically for their holy practices.
Clutter in your physical space will clutter your mind and spirit.
How often have you kept an item because you might need it in the future? Before you know it, you may end up with a substantial array of unused items because of this mindset. Live by the rule of thumb that if you haven’t used it in a year, you’re not going to. Donate unused items to goodwill. You will not only feel better about helping others, but you will also feel less anxious about items taking up unnecessary space.
Freshness Uplifts
Besides having plants in and around your home, why not try other fresh elements to uplift your mood? These need not be costly; a simple vase of lemons on the kitchen counter or a bunch of fresh lavender from your garden are great ways to achieve this.
We hope that these few tips inspire you to create a soulful space in which you can grow in all aspects of wellness.